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“Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water.”
Alison Gopnik
(2009) The Philosophical Baby

Our Approach To Learning 

It is our belief that all children have an innate desire to learn. It is our responsibility as educators to nurture this desire for learning in a place that provides rich opportunities for enquiry and research and where adults and children learn together.


Adults and children working in groups are a very important aspect of our work; listening and responding to each other, child to child, child to adult and adult to adult. Collaborative group work deepens curiosity and questioning and stimulates new ways of thinking.

Ethos, Values and Aims

It is our belief that all children have an innate desire to learn. It is, therefore, our responsibility as educators working in partnership with families to nurture this desire for learning.


We aim for all learning to be joyous and have at its heart a value of listening to children and their ideas

and theories about the world.


Our vision of school is one that is rich in possibility and curiosity, an engaging environment that invites children and adults to learn together. We believe it helps us to change, to become better educators, a better school, abetter city, a better world.


As educators we try to interpret the experiences and ‘sparks’ of the children. We ask of ourselves what do we think the children are trying to understand? We do this so that we can find the right strategies and situations for deepening learning.


We strive for a way of being with children that enables the borrowing of skills, competencies and knowledge from all, that is capable of recognizing and encouraging different points of view.

Collaboration is an important value of our work

alongside children and families.


Our ethos sees children as makers of meaning with a powerful drive to ask questions and seek understanding and to share what they find with others.  We believe learning is contagious when the conditions are fertile for its growth and spread.  

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